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Since Washington State authorized recreational marijuana sales and pot assets in the passing of Initiative 502, some individuals have been actually making a complaint– but not pertaining to what you ‘d think. It appears that neighbors of marijuana tobacco smokers have had their olfactory receptors offended by pungent pot smoke, and they say it’s encroaching on their rights.

In a recent report, an anonymous Vancouver woman told press people that she really felt that her rights as a non-smoker have been ignored due to the all new pot possession laws, explaining, “This is something that needs to be talked about, people’s rights are being violated by the people who have been given the right to smoke pot.”

The disgruntled woman even took to Facebook to “air out” her grievances about pot possession and outdoor smoking in a post saying: “I just have to say that it really sucks that I have such a nice backyard that I cannot fully enjoy because when the neighbors start smoking their “legal” pot it always ends up in my backyard. It stinks so bad. I am not pleased right now at all.”

Marijuana enthusiasts contend that the law now states that anyone over the age of 21 can take hemp in any venue where alcohol is allowed. She highly disagrees, saying “Some people equate smoking pot to alcohol, but I can sit out here on my back deck and have a beer, and nobody knows the difference. You can smell the difference with pot.”

Though marijuana dealers are considerate to the fact that not everyone finds marijuana to be a pleasing odor, they associate her problems to nothing beyond social growing pains.

“I understand it’s a new smell, and some people will feel a little uncomfortable with it,” Kyle Stetler, with Main Street Marijuana discussed. “There will be some people who are down on it, but eventually I think people will calm down and get used to it.”

As objectionable as it is for some, they have no choice but to live with it. Presently, there is nothing in Washington’s policies or any city regulations on the books that deals with the concern of second-hand smoke or even the odor of marijuana.

Things are looking swell for any non-user with marijuana friendly neighbors. Marijuana breeders in Vancouver recently began manipulating the DNA of hundreds of strains of marijuana in possibilities of creating a new creation of odorless weed for consumers suffering from cancer cells, multiple sclerosis, and epilepsy. Otherwise, with enough complaints from residents, cities all across Washington could develop ordinances against outdoor marijuana smoking.

“With any new law there are always gray areas, always evolution, things that come up that need to be addressed, questions that weren’t asked until after the law was passed,” said Vancouver police representative Kim Kapp. “We just go by the only law we have, and that’s don’t smoke in public and don’t drive under the influence.”


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