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Consulting with an Arizona drug attorney may be the last thing on your mind right now, yet there are some situations that certainly call for it. An attorney is there to help make the legal procedure much easier to navigate successfully– but there are also ways you can help yourself. Learning beforehand what to talk about with your attorney can support your attorney yield better results.

At this moment you may be asking yourself, “But isn’t that what I pay my lawyer for?” Well, not really. Compare a visit with an attorney to a visit with a physician. If you have a stomach cramps, the physician is going to ask you a set of questions, such as “Where exactly does it hurt?” “How long have you been suffering from this pain?” and “Are you taking any other medications?” Saying “I don’t know” to all of these issues is just like saying “That’s what I pay you for,” to an attorney. If you are not involved in the legal procedure there is a good chance that you are not providing your attorney what he will need to get you the best possible legal representation. Just like physicians, attorneys can only do so much without having your support. It takes a strong partnership to defend any legal case.

It is true that lawyers, by meaning, are very proficient in law, but you still have to supply them with necessary information, such as documents, details, and first-hand accounts, so they can direct you through the difficult paths of our legal system. Here are some practical information to make use of when communicating to your lawyer and secure a more effective result.

Arizona Drug Attorney


One of the best things you can do is establish a very specific and accurate account of your situation. If it was an event-related incident, such as a traffic ticket, you should make sure to try to write down everything that happened, from start to finish. A good strategy is to create a file of legal documents comprised of relevant information, such as a contact list of the witnesses. One thing your folder should not feature, however, is a mishmash of cluttered information, left for your poor attorney to organize.

Detail Oriented

Your attorney does not track your every step, so it’s your obligation to be your attorney’s eyes and ears. Your attorney is essentially trying to develop a coherent picture of the incident, so be sure to provide specific details, like names and dates. Don’t assume that any seemingly frivolous detail is inadmissible, such as the weather conditions on the day you were stopped. Every info really matters and has the possibility to help your case.

Complete Honesty

Lying is not going to help your lawyer at all! Keep in mind that you and your attorney are on the same team. Remember that your lawyer can not discuss your personal information, unless you give them the consent to do so. Putting in or taking out relevant details from your experience will certainly harm you in the end by puzzling your case. The most useful thing you can do is lay every little thing on the table– the good, the bad, and the ugly. Only then can your lawyer give you the best advice and help to ensure the best possible outcome.


If you get rattled by legal jargon, don’t despair, it’s totally understandable. Don’t act like you are proficient in legalese to save yourself from embarrassment. Tell your attorney to take a moment and clarify things in layman’s terms. By clearing up things, it will enlighten you and help your attorney do a much better job at handling your case in the long run.

In The Know

When things change in your case, it’s of the utmost importance to update your lawyer. Every detail and development is crucial in a court case and can certainly change your legal situation– in some cases for the good, and in some cases for worse. The time it takes in resolving a legal situation can be different, so it’s critical to always keep your attorney up-to-date.

Arizona Drug Attorney

When you meet with an Arizona attorney, feel free to ask him or her to go over all aspects surrounding your case. Ask your lawyer to elaborate on the next steps about the case, you can throw questions like, “Is this the right document for my situation?” You’ll get your answer and before you know it, you’ll be on your way– with a better understanding of how to proceed.

If you or a loved one are already coping with drug-associated conviction, it is extremely important that you find help from a seasoned attorney right away. You really should not have to get through the legal system on your own.


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